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Live and go beyond existing Catch me and Rev. Dr. Joy Maestas for a much awaited interview. Let's talk about patience and gracefully growing your metaphysical practice. We'll also chat with her about her books and uber successful interfaith wedding officiant business. https://www.facebook.com/RegMetaphysician/videos/592326341979409/ |
DO IT NOW! Daily Affirmation - I choose to let my inner light shine and wash over me, blessing me now! Recite this out loud or within you whenever you are feeing down, or unmotivated - imagen a ball of light in your chest area that grows bigger and bigger till is breaks out and surrounds you, hold the image of being totally surrounded by this light as long as you can. Now do your normal day, tasks, etc. but have the picture in the back of your mind as you walk through you day. You are the light and the light is within you! |
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IN connection with Universal Life Church
Hi, this ministry is all about helping you to see the light within you. Through metaphysical practices of meditation and affirmations you can have a better life now!
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Disclaimer The spiritual coaching that I offer is non-medical, nonclinical, non-secular in nature and intent. I am a graduate of the University of Sedona, and have studied extensively and have been thoroughly tested in the principles, practices, and the lifestyle improvements taught by the IMM Ministries. Such studies involve an extensive exploration of New Thought, Metaphysical, Transcendent, Transpersonal, and in-depth mystical interpretations of Christ and others. This spiritual coaching is for the purpose of improving one’s life and bringing forth the latent God-given potentials within oneself. No therapeutic value is guaranteed or implied. If, during spiritual coaching, a therapeutic outcome or healing of any kind is experienced, it is as a result of the Grace of God’s Presence having intervened during the coaching process.”
MessagesThe One Reality all religions share is that there is a God
the_one_reality_all_religions_share_is_that_there_is_a_god.docx | |
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